Created on 23 Nov 2017  ·  25Comments  ·  Source: OpenApoc/OpenApoc

To have a truly playable game, we now need next:

  • [x] 1. Agent Training from Battlescape, including the very slow training of Androids (that otherwise get no ability to train in OG)
  • [X] 2. Alien infiltration graph screen - Simply version (no curved lines) implemented
  • [x] 3. Aliens moving from building to building
  • [x] 4. Alien eggs/Chrysalis don't appear to hatch after some time and spawn new units (Cityscape) - they need to
  • [x] 5. Fully implemented city economy along with workers, wages and budgets. By @idshibanov (Does NOT include X-COM funding)
  • [x] 6. Funding for X-COM and each organisation every week -By @idshibanov ( )
  • [x] 7. Full Organisation Diplomacy and Relations structure as per OG (or improved upon). This includes the implementation of two relationship values, each way, in every two way relationship (4 values total). The first for each organisation being a "short term" measurement of relations, the second being a "long term bias" WIP - By @idshibanov #996
  • [x] 8. Organisation and Gang Agents moving from building to building according to their relations with other organisations and implement generation of the resulting missions required to respond to those relations appropriately (resulting in raiding, storming, declaration of war, peace treaties, alliances, etc.) WIP - By @idshibanov #998 #999 #1000
  • [x] 9. Bribes for organizations
  • [x] 10. Vehicle location screen drag-n-drop mechanics - redv
  • [x] 11. Hover the screen for items etc - FranciscoDA
  • [x] 12. Transport repaired at base - Istrebitel
  • [x] 13. Agent Training on base - Istrebitel
  • [x] 14. Some fixes to UFOPaedia display
  • [x] 15. Proper transferring of agents and items between bases
  • [x] 16. Alert Screen
  • [x] 17. UI hover Tooltips by Supsuper
  • [x] 18. Controls for editing text (naming soldiers and other property)

That would give a game which has all of its core mechanics implemented. We would still have a long way to go, but this would be a point at which you could play most of the features of the Original Game in OpenApoc.

Code Query Enhancement Feature Request Help Wanted Not Yet Implemented Pathfinding Roadmap UnitAI / Behaviour Verified / Replicated WIP

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  • [x] Alien infiltration graph screen

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Don't forget the HUGE unit behaviours task to be implemented too.
Currently most Agent and Alien actions don't encompass everything they can do in vanilla (crouching, ducking, crawling, using cover, throwing grenades, diversionary assaults, flanking, etc.)

Oh, and Alien Life Cycle properly needs to be implemented so those left-over eggs and chrysalis pose a real threat if not discovered before they hatch in the buildings where they are dropped or spawn.

agent actions can be already created but beacose of poor AI its maybe not used
i dont know....
i will sure add all you write but we need to know first

about eggs - its not hatch in current builds?

No eggs/Chrysalis don't seem to hatch after a few days in the cityscape releasing the appropriate alien. This should happen but under 0.1-86 it doesn't seem to.

So about agents behavior and actions i think its can be included here in battle AI
And about eggs hatching we need chek it but i add it

I thought agent training from battlescape already implemented...

@Atrosha Kind of, the calc doesn't seem right, agents get too much XP too quickly additionally androids levelling up REALLY slowly from battle experience (they cant from training) also doesn't appear to work as per OG


  • [x] Alien infiltration graph screen

ok "Agent Training from Battlescape " this works check that
but its gives too many skill points at least at superhuman
after 1 mission with 2 agents against 1-2 anthropod 4 spitters 2 hyperworm 3 brainsuckers

so here stats:
agent1 | before | after
helch | 56 | 62
accur | 36 | 40
react | 37| 39
speed| 80 | 80
stam | 33 | 41
strng | 58| 64

agent2 | before | after
helch | 48 | 54
accur | 38 | 40
react | 16| 17
speed| 80 | 88
stam | 34 | 41
strng | 63| 66

About this

Alien eggs/Chrysalis don't appear to hatch after some time and spawn new units (Battlescape) - they need to (even if there is rarely a mission long enough for it to coincide with the time they would otherwise spawn in cityscape)

Im really not notice, playing OG, not even once that eggs/Chrysalis hatch ... but its my expirience ...
So this mechanics dont work? we sure? i will test it ... but maybe some1 already know and we forget check it in list?

It is INCREDIBLY rare, it'll need someone to look at the Original Game code to get the algorithms and values

I also need someone to confirm it's not just my memory failing me as i have a very distinct memory of a UFO mission i did having one spawn a new Anthropod - but i play so much Beta release it could be a memory from those versions (which is why we need to actually check the code and see what is going on)

If, once checked, it turns out to be a pre-final-release feature, we can move to the forums at

Because there is now a dedicated area for code changes like this that are not mods (so we don't clog up Data section)

Does "Alien eggs/Chrysalis don't appear to hatch after some time and spawn new units (Battlescape) - they need to (even if there is rarely a mission long enough for it to coincide with the time they would otherwise spawn in cityscape)" really belong here?

Does "Alien eggs/Chrysalis don't appear to hatch after some time and spawn new units (Battlescape) - they need to (even if there is rarely a mission long enough for it to coincide with the time they would otherwise spawn in cityscape)" really belong here?

I agree, this is such a minor thing that shouldn't ever affect somebody's gameplay. At least move to Beta?

We can left it in list but think that it shouldn't affect move to Beta...

I've made a specific road-map for extra or specialist enhancements and features, please see #941
That way we can keep the main three roadmaps clear

Moved the battlescape hatching feature there as Istrebitel has clarified it's not fully implemented in the OG and any instances of it happening I must have from pre-release or messing something up when editing the final release

So 8 point what exactly PR was is that ?
i number them all

@makus82 it's listed as a WIP because it's in PR #998 and we're still reviewing that
Also, issues #999 and #1000 are related (though not essential to leaving alpha - they can be dealt with further down the road)
PR #998 is close to being merged though; not really encountered any issues myself so it's just a final look by other devs and then we should be OK to put it in the master :)

and Diplomatic rift event. #996 is part of 7. point?
so it's all be understandable for new people...

how about move 19 point to ? to close this and after merge all new thing in solid build and then do big post at FB about massive testing of master merged build ...

I'm happy for it to be moved anywhere; but, i feel we are best doing it before any beta release announcement

Have also added point 20 as that definitely needs sorting before we get new users and new bug reports - there needs to be a clear way to identify the version number

I'm for the YYYY-MM-DD-Build Format that many projects have moved to as it's a lot more readable when trying to work out how old a build is given how long we are between major release revisions

But even getting a simple 0.xx.xx system in would be better than 0.0.2-(random string of letters)

beta be reached after points be checked in right?
TO REACH A BETA STATE #2 >>> (All features implemented) <<<

Yeah, point taken
I'll take issues 19 and 20 off this one, migrate them to #264 just so we can close the Alpha roadmap now it's all being worked on

I'll also un-sticky the Alpha Roadmap and sticky the "post 1.0" #941 after #265 so we are making full use of the "three sticky" limit

Will close this formally as soon as #998 is merged

Btw there weekly funding screen is up n working but there is daily score screen that need to be done...
so need point for this ...

No probs, added the nightly review screen to #264

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