Godot: AnimationPlayer / AnimatedSprite frame and offset key aren't set when scrubbing timeline

Created on 24 Apr 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: godotengine/godot

When I'm working on an animation using AnimatedSprite, I often have to change sprite's frame during animation, as well as its offset ( which is the rotation pivot ). These tracks are set to discrete ( not continuous ), and my expectation is that when I'm scrubbing the timeline, to preview the animation, the frame and offset keys would take effect immediately when time hits them. Instead, the sprite is updated when the timeline is dragged past them, on the next frame/step.

This makes animating extra cumbersome, because of the discrepancy between what I see on the scene, and the keys I see at current time in the timeline.

Additionally, clicking on the timeline between two keys on a track set to discrete doesn't apply current track value, so it's a total mess on the screen.

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Confirming that this is fixed, so closing it. We will always be waiting for you to come back with hugs.

All 3 comments

I switched to Unity after waiting for this to be fixed.

Good for you, though this was fixed a while ago
On Jun 17, 2016 11:01, "Kirill Edelman" [email protected] wrote:

I switched to Unity after waiting for this to be fixed.

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Confirming that this is fixed, so closing it. We will always be waiting for you to come back with hugs.

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