Three.js: why circleGeometry has not an height parameter so it could be turn into a Cone easily

Created on 22 Aug 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: mrdoob/three.js

if circleGeometry has an height parameter it would be a coneGeometry automaticly. As far as i understand you already doing it with cylynderGeometry wihle making its top circle's radius 0. but if we build things up from the bottom it would be most beautiful way indeed.

-> give circle a height parameter (if height is 0 its a circle)
-> if height is not 0 its a cone
-> create cylinder two circle and planes between them

Is there a specific reason why you did not it this way?


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ConeGeometry has the height parameter.

I would not merge cones and circle geometries because they have very different UV patterns mappings.

All 3 comments

ConeGeometry has the height parameter.

I would not merge cones and circle geometries because they have very different UV patterns mappings.

@WestLangley what UV pattern means?

Sorry. I meant to say UV mappings.

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