Zammad: Notify / Mention other agents / Subscribe to Tickets

Created on 12 Oct 2016  ·  28Comments  ·  Source: zammad/zammad

Ich lese ein Ticket und habe eine Rückfrage an einen anderen Agenten:


Diese Schreibweise "@nutzername" verwenden wir sehr oft, obwohl Zammad damit nichts macht. Offenbar wünschen sich die Nutzer sowas häufiger. Aktuell kann ich als Eigentümer das Ticket jetzt an den weiter geben, dem ich die Frage gestellt habe. Dann verliere ich es aber aus den Augen. Oder ich muss den Empfänger der Rückfrage auf anderem Wege (Mail, Telefon) auf die Frage aufmerksam machen. Wie würdet Ihr das lösen?

  • T#1068412, #1078721, #1078020
collaboration feature backlog

Most helpful comment

Update: Layout example to unsubscribe from ticket where I was involved (added via @user in article). Can also be used to subscribe without adding me via @user to new article.

screen shot 2016-12-19 at 15 47 05

All 28 comments

Ich finde die Idee super. Damit entfällt das lästige Besiter hin und her. Wie wäre es wenn das eine Notification auslöst, ähnlich wie die TODOs bei Gitlab?

Das wäre exakt das was ich mir wünschen würde.




Super Feature, das wäre Klasse!



More people like this feature soon (including me).

For this feature we need to maintain a "username" for each agent (@FirstnameLastname would not be uniq). Would this be ok for you? Any other ideas?

The Mailadress could be the unique username in the background. The search criteria could be first-, lastname and mailadress. When you type @ there should appear a list with all agents involved in this ticket displayed wich you can select. When you start typing, it is searching within all agents and you can select the others not yet mentioned in this ticket.

Its almost like here in github or at facebook.

As discussed: An autocomplete would be great just like the one of the text modules.

Further thoughts:
Another UX improvement could be to allow users to choose an alias like e.g. in Mattermost.

So if a user starts typing "@" (like here on Github) a text modules like list (or like here on Github) with the full name and an optional alias pops on listing entries like: "Martin Edenhofer (martini)". Both attributes should be searchable key insensitive and without spaces. Like "martine" should find "Martin Edenhofer". Aka "fuzzy search".
Only agents with the required permissions for this ticket should get listed. It would be really nice to order them in a logical way like "last used/active" or "favs" first or something.

These should be wrapped up and stored properly in a special div or something. This allows us and others to parse and handle them in any interface or application now and later. Maybe something like <div data-mention="[email protected]"></div> which gets converted by the UI to "Martin Edenhofer (martini)". This allows the user to change its name (like marriage e.g.) or alias without having old/wrong mentions. Even deleted or disabled accounts could be displayed in a special way later.

Custom HTML elements for this would be great like <mention>[email protected]</mention> but are not supported yet ( 😞

I'm not sure how unique the email will be. We have some users where the mail changed over the time. Might be even better to use the user id. I don't think that neither the id/email nor any other technical identifier should be visible to the user.

PS: Would love to see this 😍

Sounds like a good plan!

Maybe something like

which gets converted by the UI to "Martin Edenhofer (martini)". This allows the user to change its name (like marriage e.g.) or alias without having old/wrong mentions.

I don't get how [email protected] allows the user to change its name. But I guess there is already a solution for changing names in Zammad and you want to reuse it here.

Update: Layout example to unsubscribe from ticket where I was involved (added via @user in article). Can also be used to subscribe without adding me via @user to new article.

screen shot 2016-12-19 at 15 47 05


A list of notified users would be great - just like here on github:

bildschirmfoto 2017-01-10 um 15 05 49




And while we're introducing markup in notes, I'd like to have #941111 as link to Ticket 941111 ;-)

I don't yet understand this feature: Would it be necessary to be mentioned or to comment on a ticket to be notified? Sometimes one is interested in subscribing to a ticket (i.e. getting emails for all updates on that ticket), but has nothing to comment. Or would that be #822?

Hi guys,
do you have some good news for us?



I like both ways - to notice another agent via @username AND the ability to subscribe to a ticket - both are very useful in their own way!


To stop the unnecessary +1 posts I lock this thread. We are working on this stuff... see

No ETA, but we are working on it.

Here is a screenshot of a similar feature in mattermost:



You have waited long enough for this feature and want to see it finally realized? Well then, we have good news for you. Become a feature sponsor and let the feature spring to life in one of the next Zammad versions. We are currently looking for more contributors to make this project a reality together with us and other Zammad users. By sharing the costs, you get additional influence on the implementation of the function and also receive a little advertising for your organization on the day of publication, if you wish.

So please contact us at [email protected] to bring the implementation a step ahead.

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